Accounts Receivable Policy



  1. Records and General Receivable Procedures
  2. Collection Procedures
  3. Suspending Client Accounts for Non-Payment
  4. Client Identity
  5. Additional Questions


Moxie Media Group Inc (“Nolte”) has established policies and procedures to be followed in the management and collection of accounts receivable. The term “accounts receivable” refers to amounts due from clients, individuals, or others that have been billed as a result of regular business transactions.

1. Records and General Receivable Procedures

As soon as practicable after the end of a calendar month, an invoice will be provided to the client via Quickbooks Online (‘QBO’). The payments are due 7 days from the date of the invoice. Any project costs incurred by Nolte in performing the services to the client and required to be recharged will also be disclosed on the statement.

Clients will have 7 days from the date of issue to raise any queries or objections about the invoice. Following the expiration of 7 days, the invoice becomes final, and no further changes to the invoice can be made. Statements will be sent to clients who have an outstanding balance upon request. The statement will indicate the total balance due and identify a payment due date.

If full payment is not received, the procedures outlined in Collection Procedures below will be followed.

2. Collection Procedures

The Finance Department is responsible for collecting monies for Nolte. The following procedures for collecting amounts are outlined below:

StepsDays after the due date Action
17Client to receive the first reminder via QBO. Deadline for clients to raise any queries or objections regarding the invoice.
214Client to receive a second reminder to the client via QBO
321Client to receive a request for payment via email cc. The Project Manager
43030 Client to be informed that services will cease unless payment is received within 3 days.
533Client to be informed that services have been suspended pending payment of
outstanding amount. 
690Client to be informed that unless the past due payment is received within the
next 15 days it will be necessary to refer the account to a debt collection
7105105 Amount to be referred to debt collection agency.
When any account becomes 30 days past due, additional credit will not be given until the account is
returned to current status.

3. Suspending Client Accounts for Non-Payment

If a client’s account becomes past due, that account may be suspended, and no further work will be performed until payment is received.

4. Client Identity

Upon engaging a client, Nolte will request all relevant information that will assist in identifying a client, including name, address, telephone number, and email. Their position in the company should also be verified along with identification documents.

5. Additional Questions

The responsibility to ensure client accounts are kept up to date lies with the Finance Department at Nolte. Please contact the Finance Department in the first instance: should you have any questions.